
  1. The Cave: The Beginning of Our Journey
  2. Temperature and Humidity: Key Metrics of Home Comfort
  3. Orientation
  4. Stone: From Selection to Processing and Transport
  5. Foundation: The Basis of Construction
  6. Calibration of Stone and Laying Rows: The Art of Precision
  7. Wall Thickness and the Use of Plumb Lines and Levels: The Mastery of Slope
  8. Windows and Doors: How to Orient a Building to the Cardinal Directions
  9. Mortars for Masonry and Plastering: The Magic of Lime
  10. Roofing of Arched Buildings: Vaults That Hold Secrets
  11. Arched Buildings: Secrets of Calculations and Stability
  12. Modern Mass Construction Technologies: Drawbacks and Pitfalls
  13. Nature's Caprices: Rain, Winter, Heat, Wind — and How to Counteract Them